Make crafts with wrapping paper that leftover in your house. When people give you a gift with wrapping paper it left you with wrapping paper. You can reuse and recycle the mess of wrapping paper with these awesome ideas of wrapping paper.
First, you can reuse the wrapping paper like an envelope. Get the envelope template in cardboard or thick paper. Trace the envelope template to wrapping paper. Carefully cut the envelope trace and fold it up. Glue the paper to stick the folded together. Now you can use this cute wrapping paper for send cards or fill with money for “angpao” envelope.
Next, the easiest way to reuse the wrapping paper is ripped it and use as festive confetti for the next party. It will create a damn festive look to your party. Then if you need to send a gift and want to décor your kraft brown paper then makes ribbon from the wrapping paper. Cut the paper with lengthwise 9 of ¾ inch thick strips with the height guide: 1 in 31/2 inches, 2 at 9 inches 3 in 11 inches, 3 in 10 inches. Twist the strips and formed loops at both ends. Make a circle out of the smallest side. Secure the end using double-sided tape. Layers the loops start from the longest strip and end with the circle loop in the center.