Welcoming a big day of Christians feels so interesting and exciting. There are many things prepared to welcome them. You can make paper plate Santa craft to be an item of Christmas day.
Simple Paper Plate Santa
To make the first paper plate Santa, you should select the simplest one. You need to take a white paper plate. Then, you make a hat, clothes, and mustache of the Santa Clause. Those are attached on the paper plate. It looks simple because you only need a paper plate and colorful paper to make it. It is an amazing design of paper plate Santa craft.
Cotton Ball Santa Paper Plate
The next design is a Cotton ball Santa paper plate. It looks delicious and unique because it looks like a marshmallow beard. You just take a white paper plate. Prepare red paint for painting the paper plate. Then, make a nose of Santa Clause in a coloring paper. Then, prepare the cotton ball sufficiently. The cotton balls are used to form Santa’s beard.
Happy Paper Plate Santa
The last design of paper plate Santa craft is Happy paper plate Santa. The paper plate is used for forming Santa’s body. Then, the hands, legs, and heads are made of coloring paper. The beards use white paper.